All-State Career Programs

Class A CDL Training Courses | All-State Career

truck driving on range
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For Our Class A CDL Driving Program

Get started on your Class A CDL Driving education today!

Enrolling in All-State Career’s Class A CDL training program will give you more than the education and skills you need to pursue a career as an over-the-road, regional or local commercial driver. It will also give you the key to a new career.

Your training will start in the classroom, where you'll learn about the vehicles, basic truck driving controls, pre-trip inspection, cargo handling, emergency protocol and more. You will then move to the driving range, where you'll get behind the wheel and learn to operate and control your vehicle. After plenty of practice to build your ability and your confidence, you'll take your newly acquired skills on the road, with our experienced instructors by your side. They will be right next to you, guiding you through what you need to know.

Upon graduation, you'll receive a diploma and have the skills you need to obtain your commercial license and land an entry-level position in commercial trucking.


Our experienced and dedicated faculty at All-State Career make it their mission not only to teach you trucking skills, but also to help support you after graduation with employment assistance services, including the critical skills of interpersonal relations, face-to-face and telephone interviewing techniques, career guidance and more.

For more information on All-State Career's Class A CDL training program, contact us today!